Flu Shots Have Been Working Well This Season, Data Suggest

The influenza vaccine has worked fairly well this season, preventing serious flu cases and hospitalizations across age groups, according to preliminary data released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control… Read more

Head of Global Vaccine Group Gavi Steps Down

The COVID-19 pandemic was a crucible for the public health world, and perhaps none were tested more than Gavi, the global nonprofit that makes vaccines its business. Faced with ensuring… Read more

COVID-19 Boosters Are Now Recommended for All Eligible Pregnant People

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) now recommends that all pregnant and recently pregnant individuals receive a COVID-19 booster shot when they are eligible, according to guidance published… Read more

Is COVID-19 a Seasonal Virus Yet-

The most common respiratory viruses that cause flu, colds, and RSV tend to cluster in the fall and winter months. Though that means months of elevated risk for sickness, “cold… Read more

COVID-19 Caused U.S. Life Expectancy to Drop 1.5 Years

Life expectancy in the United States dropped the most in more than seven decades last year as Covid-19 sent hundreds of thousands of Americans to early deaths. The pandemic’s disproportionate… Read more

Inside the Effort to Fight Climate Change Beyond the Power Sector

The transportation, manufacturing and agriculture industries have received a fraction of the attention of the power sector in the fight against climate change, but together they account for more than… Read more

Health Care Workforce

Over 115,000 health and care workers died during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a physician who’s cared for patients with COVID-19, malaria and Ebola, I’ve seen too many colleagues make the… Read more

South Korea Has a Surgeon Shortage. Will Relaxing Malpractice Punishment Help-

South Korea touts world-class health care infrastructure. Before the pandemic, it had become a bustling medical tourism hotspot. In 2019, more than 90,000 people visited the country to avail themselves… Read more

The Irreplaceable Grace Of an Ordinary Morning

A version of this article appeared in this week’s It’s Not Just You newsletter. SUBSCRIBE HERE to have It’s Not Just You delivered to your inbox every Sunday. 🌞Well hello!… Read more
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